Friday, November 27, 2009

Appropriate Assessments for Reinvigorating Science Education

The article says, "We cannot expect major improvements in education without major changes in our assessments of both students and faculty performance."

Science education should be based on inquiry-based learning and problem solving skills. Science is not the memorization of facts or word definitions. Science classes using inquiry-based learning look different, as they are noisy where students challenge each other and the teacher acts as a highly skilled coach.

The article gives an example of an investigation based assessment. This type of assessment tests for abilities that prepare students for the real world, makes school meaningful and helps them for getting and keeping a skilled job.

The following problem was given to all Maryland third graders:

Your teacher has received a bouquet of flowers and is having trouble with them. The leaves are drooping, and the flowers look sick. You decide to do an investigation to discover what might be wrong with them.

Students must then perform the following tasks

1. Read two articles about plants and their stem system

2. Write an essay explaining how you would study your teacher's flower to determine what's wrong with it.

3. Draw an illustration that would help other students understand your investigation.

4. With a partner, use a magnifying glass, look at the cut edge of a bottom of a celery stalk (which is used in place of the flower), make a list of things you observe about the stalk, break the stalk, and describe what you see.

5. Draw and color a picture of what you think will happen to this celery if it sits in red dye overnight. Explain why you think so.

6. On the next day, study the celery that was soaked overnight in the red dye. Write a paragraph to explain how the celery is the same or different from what you predicted yesterday.

7. Write an essay explaining why a scientist might want to do more than one investigation when trying to answer a question about science.

8. Write a note to your teacher telling what you have learned about flowers and how to take care of them.

The article says giving only multiple choice tests does not create interest in students to understand the material. But including short essay answers in assessments definitely change students attitude, because now they have to understand something in order to write something for short essays.

The author says that higher education-faculty of colleges and universities, sets the model for K-12. If colleges and universities use multiple-choice exams, everybody is going to use multiple choice exams. If lectures at universities and colleges only lecture at students with facts and try to cover all the curriculum in one year without teaching anything in depth, high schools will emulate them. Middle schools in turn will emulate the high schools.

The author says stopping lecturing every fifteen minutes to ask a conceptual question and making students to discuss and convince their neighbors they are right, not only keeps the students alert and motivated, but also increases the percentage of students who get the answer right the second time.

In the end the author gives his favorite quote about education "The art of education is never easy. To surmount its difficulties, especially those of elementary education, in a task worthy of the highest genius. But when one considers in its length and breadth the importance of a nation's young, the broken lives, the defeated hopes, the national failures which result from the frivolous inertia with which it is treated, it is difficult to restrain within oneself a savage rage: A country that does not value trained intelligence is doomed."

What teachers, parents can do to make science a joy to learn

In order to make Science more meaningful in our schools, we should generate the "spirit of discovery" by allowing the students work like real scientists. The teachers should not teach science exclusively via a textbook. Instead teachers should allow students to conduct more experiments and explore on their own (parents can help at home). For example, if you want to get your students excited about the field of aerodynamics, announce a paper airplane contest.

Keeping a science journal and entering the records of their observations of what they have learned or demonstrated in science class, is another way students can emulate scientists. Students can have drawings, diagrams, tables, graphs, narrations, explorations, predictions and a description of what was done-and how it was done in their science journals. For every investigation students do in their science class they should follow the steps of scientific method and keep the records in their journals.

Students can compare their findings in their journals with other classroom fellows, teachers and parents. Comparing the findings with others promotes collaboration, co-operation and allows students to have meaningful conversation and scientific phenomena. Not only this new and exciting experiments come to mind constructed from what has just been learned, when students share their journals.

The article emphasizes on "spirit of discovery", student-centered work where students research their questions and care about the answers.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The 21st-Century Digital Learner

The article describes how the students input or opinions are not weighted or valued in our educationl system. The educators think they can, by themselves and without the input of their students, design the future of education.

Kids have no choices at all about how they are educated. They are, for the most part, told what to do and when to do it. Unlike other businesses, where people spend millions of dollars researching what their consumers really want, when it comes to how we structure and organize our kids education, we generally don't make the slightest attempt to listen to, or even care, what students think about how they are taught.

The 21st Century-Digital Learner is so bored in traditional classrooms, that they don't pay attention. Students frustration is rising, because what they want and what they are receiving does not match at all. Some people believe the reason of their boredom comes from the contrast with the more engaging learning opportunities kids have outside the school. Others believe it is due to continuous partial attention (CPA)-a need to be a live node on the network, continually text messages, checking the cell phone, and jumping on e-mail.

But according to the author, the source of the problem is that today's kids hate being talked at. They hate when teaching is simply telling. They hate lectures and tune them out. The 21st century students prefer dealing with questions rather than answers, sharing their opinions, participating in group projects, working with real world issues and people, and having teachers who talk to them as equals rather than as inferiors.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

World Without Walls: Learning well with others

The title of the article itself says world has no walls anymore. The web tools have brought people from almost every continent and country closer. People share their ideas and volunteer to assist others online. These web tools are allowing us not only to mine the wisdom and experiences of the more than one billion people online but also to connect with them to further our understanding of the global experience and do good work together.

The article emphasizes that today's age is "Collaboration Age" and we learn well when we work together. It is about learning with a different groups of people, whom we may not know and may never meet, but who share our passions and interests and are willing to invest in exploring them together. It is about solving problems together and sharing the knowledge we've gained with wide audiences. Working together is becoming the norm, not the exception.

In this collaboration age we as educators need to reconsider our roles in student's lives, to think of ourselves as connectors first and content experts second. As connectors we provide the chance for kids to get better at learning from one another. Students can use blogs,wiki, skype, instant messaging and other tools to connect with others and discuss literature and current events. The web's social-networking can be used to teach global collaboration and communication, allowing students to create their own networks in the process.

These social web tools (wiki, blogs, social-bookmarking sites) are called "weapons of mass collaboration" by the author, as they make working with others across time and space easier than it's ever been.

In spite of some challenges, concerns and fears of using web tools by students (whether they are safe, effective and ethical) the author says that disconnecting the students from technology means disconnecting them from their passion and those who share it.

We must know for ourselves and model for our students how to create, grow and navigate these collaborative spaces in safe, effective and ethical ways. We grow when we learn together.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lead, Don't Lecture: A new approach to teaching

The main idea of the article is that the new approach to teaching is about coaching- understanding the specific needs and skills of each student, and then to a certain extent, teaching them individually. Give students experiences with some hands on like manipulatives, puzzles, experiments, etc. Students learn best when they make their own meaning.

A teacher should not only coach them, but also allow them to coach each other.

The Internet is another place to coach students in evaluating the quality of information available. Role playing, sharing ideas and information via a blog and one to one teaching are also examples of this new approach to teaching.

Some educators believe that there are so many pressures for kids to do well on standardized tests like AIMS, that there is not much time for being a good coach. Others believe that accountability and coaching in the classroom can both be accomplished.

So let students explore and drive the content on their own. Because taking risk with your ideas is the only way you learn something. A teacher's job is to be a coach, facilitator or a mediator. Students respond more readily and favorably to a coach than to a teacher.